Animal Family > Ocean Aquarium
Sea turtle
Release Time:2023-02-20      Author:     Share with:

Sea turtle (Chelonia mydasis) widely distributed in the world in every ocean, there are 8 kinds of sea turtle worldwide and there are 5 kinds in our country. Because sea turtles live in the ocean, in order to facilitate swimming, their limbs have become fins, like paddles, the front limbs are long and used for paddling, the hind limbs are short and used for steering. Turtles live in the sea, but they breathe with their lungs just like humans. You see, after swimming in the water for a while, they lift their heads out of the water to breathe. Sea turtles can live up to 152 years, making them the oldest of all marine animals. The biggest turtle in the tunnel was over 80 years old and weighed about 150 kilograms. (The larger turtles are about 20-30 years old, and the smaller turtles are about 8-10 years old.) Turtles have a long life span. The folklore goes that they live for 10,000 years, and many people mistakenly believe that they can live for 10,000 years. In fact, both tortoises and sea turtles have a limited lifespan.