Animal Family > Ocean Aquarium
Gold Trevally
Release Time:2023-02-23      Author:     Share with:

Gold trevally (Gnathanodon speciosus) is the only member of the Gnathanodon speciosus and is mainly distributed in the tropical and subtropical Indian Ocean or Pacific Ocean. Its body is gorgeous golden yellow, coupled with the dark horizontal lines like tiger patterns, making it gorgeous and nifty, it can be called the fashion representative in the ocean. The Gold Trevally Viewing Area is decorated with corals, reefs with the blue water as the keynote. Under the light, thousands of gold trevally are dazzling. Every day, there is a gold trevally feeding show. When the keeper drops the bait in the water, groups of gold trevally spin around the keeper, like a golden yellow whirlwind, they turn at the same time in the water, and form a variety of shapes, which is really amazing, that is their perfect performance as a pilot fish.